Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 30

Holy Shnikes! I cant believe its over. Yesterday wasn't to much of a challenge. I woke up feeling great (and looking great):

I had a meeting in Westport, CT yesterday at 11:30am so before we left we stopped at off Pret to grab some lunch so we could eat after the meeting.

I resisted all the good looking bread they have in there:

I knew I would have my time in the sun later that evening. Our meeting went great and I ate a Chicken Salad on our ride back to the City. I was feeling great when I got back to the City. It then started to pour on me and I had no raincoat (dammit).

I stopped off at the Amish market for some fruit and veggies. I needed to prep for the Last Supper:

Figured I had to go out on top with some Chicken and Broccoli. I have eaten so much goddamn broccoli in the last few weeks, its amazing. I do love the stuff now.

I laid around for a little. Caught the cat taking a nap in the Bathtub. So weird. This cat actually likes water and doesn't mind getting wet. He's so funny.

At night I played basketball for around 1 hr 45 mins. I could feel 12:01am coming like Christmas. I decided I would wait up to have a drink (sounds odd I realize). As soon as the clock struck midnight I reached for a Cherry Pepsi and 2 large Chocolate Donuts. Holy Shit!!!! I apologize for my language but that is the only way to describe the taste of that soda. It was amazing. Words cant really express how it felt, but it was unbelievable.

Later on in the evening (yes I had a sugar rush). I had an Arizona Ice Tea/Lemonade. I stayed up late watching Nashville. I thought about having a smoke to top off this wonderful evening, but opted against it.

I woke up this morning with a mind crushing headache. Kind of like a really bad hangover from a run the night before. My mouth feels weird (I think I am dehydrated) and I don't have the same pep in my step as before. My body doesn't like processed sugar I am realizing. Otherwise I wouldn't feel like this the next day.

This morning I went back to get a coffee from the guys on the corner who I use to go to all the time. I ordered a large coffee, whole milk and sugar (they really pile it on):

The guy asked me "Where have you been!??!??!" I told him I was away on holiday. I could sense he was looking at me like "Boy Nick, you really look skinny. Have you been doing Paleo?"

So here I am Day 31. Almost 24 lbs lost. Ready to destroy my body for the next 2-3 days with sugary crap and other bad stuff (not totally true, but I will indulge).

Thanks to everyone who has read and supported me during this process. It's been a lot fun. See you all on the next blog.

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