Saturday, March 1, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 13

Day 13 has come to an end and I am starting to notice some really big changes in my behaviors. The biggest one is that water has become the norm for me. I struggled so much with that for so long and always reached for a Pepsi or another sugary drink. It feels really good to have broken that habit (and be 13 days off Soda).

The second change is that I am really starting to care what I put into my body. I only want fresh produce, grass fed beef, nothing processed etc.

Day 13 came and went pretty quickly in terms of my diet. I had a juice this morning with my mom. I just got her a Juicer so we christened it with a Mean Green. She loved it. I had to work for a few hours today so I grabbed some fruit before I went into the office (blueberries, Banana and Pineapple).

By late afternoon I need to eat something so I headed back home and cooked myself a few eggs over medium and Applegate Bacon (the best). I cooked it with Kerrygold butter (grass fed butter). Washed all that down with some ice water.

For dinner I met Marisa and we went to Crave Fish Bar. There I had some King Prawns and Lobster. It was really good and nice to mix it up for a change. After that I had some more work to finish up before I leave tomorrow.

I also went out for a run tonight and got a pretty decent sweat going. Feeling good.

Till next time...

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