Monday, March 3, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 15

Today has been an extremely long day (and unbelievably grueling). So last time I left all of you it was somewhere in between 7-8am on Monday morning in Amsterdam. I had just flown overnight in the middle seat and was loving life. Well, it didn't get much better from there. So I had this 5 hour layover and here a few things that annoyed me.

1.       Europeans love bread, chocolate and smoking.

2.       Airports have almost no healthy options for eating.

3.       The seats at the terminal were not made for a man of my current size.

4.       I spent 40 Euro’s on the wrong adaptor.

So as I sat there scrunched into my small seat waiting hours for my flight and wanting a nice cold Coca-Cola, piece of Chocolate and cigarette while the power in all my devices started to die due to my inability to charge them because of the wrong adaptor I did think to myself well if I can get through this I can get through almost anything.  I’m happy to report that I did not give in. I went hungry until about 9:30pm in Greece but I did finally get a nice piece of grilled Chicken and veggies.

I slept well until about 4am but the jet lag is always tough for me when I am coming this way. Luckily I downloaded 7 episodes of Sons of Anarchy and had some juice in my Ipad mini.

For breakfast this morning I had some eggs, some bacon (not even close to the stuff we have at home) and fruit. The buffet at my hotel was hog heaven; tons of really good breads, sweets and grain cereal. Not going to lie I came really close to cracking at breakfast. I kept trying to justify why the fruit wasn’t going to fill me up and that I had a long morning and needed to eat bread. It’s amazing what our brains can tell us sometime. If I didn’t have this blog I think I might have taken 8 or 9 pieces of bread. I’m not hungry but also not full. I’ll make it to lunch.

After breakfast I went out for a morning run around Athens (that was pretty cool). It’s about 60 degrees here. I won’t really be able to get out and see the city until Thursday but I did a drive-by of the Acropolis last night and it looks amazing. Planning on spending all day there on Thursday so my post that night might turn into a travel blog more than a Paleo one (fyi).

We’ll I'm getting ready for work now. Till next time.

Still hanging on,


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