Saturday, March 15, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 25

Day 25 came and went. Can't believe it has almost been a month and I haven't put any crap into my body. Couple of things I want to clear up. My previous post where I laid out what Day 31 would look like is not something I am going to be doing. That would be gross. I have learned way to much about nutrition and my body to do that to myself. I will have a treat or two (like bread) on Day 31 but nothing like I described yesterday.

For breakfast yesterday I went down to my moms again and had some eggs with Bacon. I needed to go down there to get my contact lenses. I just got a whole year supply of lenses (yay). I had a meeting downtown at 10am so I went into work quickly, had some coffee and then headed downtown. When I got to our meeting I had some Hazelnut coffee and a glass of water.

For lunch I had Chicken and veggies from Chirping Chicken in GCT. Very tasty and found out new place that I can eat.

There was a party at my office for St. Patty's Day:

I had a few pieces of Corned Beef (the Rye Bread looked amazing but I declined) and then left early to head home. Long week.

For dinner I went to Sparks Steakhouse. I have never eaten here. Boy is that overpriced. Here was what we had for dinner (in addition to some shrimp):

and the bill was $218 bucks. I wont be eating there again anytime soon.

When I got home I had a Banana and Strawberry smoothie. I then hit the sack and slept really well.

I cant wait to start Juicing for 30 days. Its going to be long and hard but I am really looking forward to cleansing my body and just have fruits and veggies.

Hope everyone has a good saturday.

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