Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 28

As I stood in my hallway last night (butt-naked) about to get onto my scale for the last time in the 30 Day Challenge I recalled stepping on the scale for the very first time and coming in at a whopping 252.8 lbs. What would the number be? I knew from previous weigh-ins that I was somewhere in the 230's and already pleased with the amount of weight that I have lost (and more importantly how I feel).

Final Weigh-in: 229.3 lbs

That brings my total weight loss thus far to 23.5 lbs in 28 days. I have lost .83 lbs/day doing the Paleo Diet which is proof that it works. I know that the amount of weight loss I have seen would not continue and that at some point it would plateau (that is why I am juicing next). This Diet and this 30 day challenge has given me a step in the direction that goes somewhere. 28 Days ago I was heading towards 300 lbs and now I am heading towards 200 lbs. 

Skipped breakfast yesterday morning and just had some coffee (with Almond Milk). For lunch I had some chicken and veggies. Some of the asparagus I picked up had green beans (legumes--bad). I ended up not needing anything else to eat the rest of the day (until dinner). For dinner I had Rotisserie Chicken with broccoli and carrots. I also have started drinking Teas' Tea which is great with some good Ice Cubes, Lemon and Lime. 

Feeling very good about the amount of weight I have cut. 

Till tomorrow

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