Friday, March 7, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 18

It's a sad day for me. This morning at 6:30am local time in Greece I hung up my caveman club and become a regular everyday person again--I ate bread. ughhhh. Let me explain the circumstances to you all.

So as you know I have been traveling for almost 2 weeks straight--Chicago and now Greece--and I'm tired and still getting over jet lag. So I had breakfast yesterday morning and then went to the Archeology museum. Feeling good and full from breakfast. I had at a meeting with our partner here in Greece around 1pm. I finished up at 3pm and was exhausted. I stupidly laid down for a nap (I had not had lunch yet) next thing that happened was I woke up and it was 11:30pm. Dammit.

A this point I'm still tired and extremely hungry. Nothing is open to eat and I have to go without dinner now. I hate missing one meal in a day but two was brutal. I toss and turn the rest of the night because I have just slept 8hrs during the day. Finally 6:30am comes (Breakfast is served downstairs) and all they have are hard boiled eggs (which I hate and already endured on Wednesday) and a ton of bread. So with my headache really starting in on me and my stomach dying for some food I gave in and had 3 slices of toast, an apple and a Chocolate croissant (I know, that was pushing it).

I have to say that I felt unbelievable better getting some food into my stomach. I really didn't want to eat the bread but I needed some nourishment. This has been a tough trip on me. I have been doing a lot of work, I'm alone which sucks and I am finding myself constantly hungry and tired. I also have not been able to get on a good sleep schedule which is another thing that has really affected me negatively.

The rest of the morning was not a wash. I put the laptop away and went out for a 6 mile walk. I climbed to the top of Mount Lycabettus. There is a beautiful little chapel up there and some great coffee shops.

I'm not giving up on being Paleo and for lunch I just had some Rocket Salad and grilled chicken with water. I started this blog because I needed a place to be honest and accountable.

I am leaving tomorrow morning at 6am Athens time. Cant wait to get home. I miss NYC.

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