Sunday, March 9, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 20

So happy to be back in the US. Love Love Love America!!!

Had a pretty good day today. Woke up real early around 7:30am, went out for a jog down to my moms. I did take a cab back. I'm not totally there in terms of fitness, but I'm working on it.

For breakfast I made some scrambled eggs (cage free) and cooked some bacon that I ordered from this really good place in Wisconsin. I had this bacon when I was in Chicago and got the name from the waiter--Nueske's. It's really good. I recommend. Have to cook it well. The whole meal (eggs and bacon) was balling. Exactly what I needed. I cooked it all with KerryGold butter. It's grass fed. Another Nolan recommendation.

I also tried to make some fresh squeezed orange juice from my juicer. I left the Orange Peel on (the juicer can rip through anything) and it subsequently ended up tasting like crap. I could taste the peel. It was bitter. Total failure on my part and a waste of a pound of Oranges. We'll try again tomorrow.

Next stop was Ikea. This store is a true test of a man's patience. I hate. I wont go back. Two of the things I wanted they didn't have. Empty....

This left me sad face.

I think I look thinner in the photo so was happy about that.

After I loaded all the other stuff I got in the car and got back home I need some food and a nap. For lunch I had some chicken, broccoli and fruit. I got through as much of the Americans (love that show, I highly recommend) and fell asleep.

I was woken up by a my friend who came over to help me assemble the desk I was able to get at Ikea. Again a true test of patience in assembling Ikea goods. I hate it. I'll never do it again.

Here is the before:

 And the lovely bag of screws:

And here is the after:

Not to bad right? I felt satisfied for the job we did. For dinner I had some chicken vegetable soup and some Iced Tea infused mango (unsweetened).

I'm not to hungry now either. Couple of things I am realizing about my eating habits. I still go to snacking to much during the day. I find myself eating way to much fruit. It's better than Starburst or Sour Patch kids, but I do need to limit the amount of fruit I am eating a day. It's natural sugar, but nevertheless it is still sugar.

Looking forward to the weigh-in tomorrow. I know that I am going to start to plateau in terms of weight loss and I need to accept that. Will need to pick up in terms of exercising. I am still at three days a week, but need to workout a bit longer and harder.
 Looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow. Haven't been to the office in weeks.

Talk to you all tomorrow.

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