Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 1

I'm back. Completed one full day of Paleo yesterday. It wasn't the hardest day 1 of something I have ever had, but it certainly wasn't the easiest.

Over the time period between my last post and now I have had many many Mexican Coca-Cola's, a lot of Chinese food and tons of other crap. Quick update on all that has happened:

I went skiing:

I picked up a new sport and have been playing it a ot. Typically around 3x times a week:

Dippin' Dots came to NYC:

I discovered a Tennis court right in Grand Central. Here I am after a late-night match

I got TSA Pre-Check so I don't need to wait on lines anymore at the airport. Yes!

Had a root canal....sucked

Weird Dentist Chair Selfie:

I discovered the cream puff

Had Gus's Fried Chicken in Memphis, TN. Definitely not Paleo, but real good.

I bought a big ass Flat Screen Television.

Cat is doing the same.

So as I said yesterday wasn't to bad. I started out with a Salad (Chicken, Carrots and Olive Oil). Washed that all down with a strawberry/banana smoothie:

Next up was a bike ride across the Manhattan Bridge. Terrible going up the bridge but nice ride down:

After that took the train back home and stopped at my Mom's to fix her TV for the 18th time this week (kidding Mom). All her animals are doing well. Doesn't one of her Cats look like a Lion with its haircut:

Her hair gets matted so they have to cut it.

After that I went shopping and said goodbye to all the junk I have in my home:

Lots of good stuff from the Amish Market:

Said goodbye to my best friend (The Mexican Coke):

I cooked dinner last night. Couple of steaks, Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli:

I'm feeling a little sluggish but pushing through. I tipped the scales at 237.8 so I'll keep you all updated on how I am doing.

Till tomorrow.

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