Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 29

I can't believe we are already at Day 29. This has gone real fast. Lets get right into my day.

First thing I am noticing upon reflection is exhaustion. It's gone. In the morning I am getting by with a cup of coffee and maybe a piece of fruit. I use to start my day with two blueberry muffins and potentially a bacon, egg on poppy bagel with a Sunkist (man I love that stuff in the AM). I would think those things would get me going in the morning when in reality they would really slow me down.

I also haven't had bacon in 4 days and feel good. Thats not to say I have stopped eating but definitely taking a break for the time being.

Not much to talk about in terms of diet until lunch time. I had a bunch of things to do for the job until 12, I did them, then punched out for lunch. We ventured over to Duke's again on 41st Street. Duke's is offering us way more variety then Mirage on 43rd street does. It has a much better bev selection, line moves quicker and there are so many more options. I think we will be dining here more and more often.

I had some beef, a little chicken, veggies (asparagus and broccoli) and some sweet potatoes. For like the 10th day in a row I was not licking the plate. I didn't manage to finish my meal (fine by me).

For the rest of the day I stayed focused on what I was doing. I did have a second cup of coffee with shit (I mean Silk) Almond Milk. I am learning some new stuff at work and using a new application which although challenging and fun can be frustrating. Good news I am not comforting myself or eating out of stress. Just because I didn't load a file properly isn't an excuse to down a bag of M&M's.

Before I knew it, it was quitting time. I punched out and headed to the Amish market to pick up some fruit. While walking there I had the great idea that I would remake the Paleo Banana Bread that I fumbled this weekend. I needed a little bit of Coconut Oil and Almond Butter.

Here are some of the ingredients:

Coconut Oil: Overpriced, but boy does it make a difference. Well worth the price. Roughly $12-14 dollars a bottle and will last you for some time.

 Almond Butter: Really good and much healthier than Peanut Butter. My favorite of the Butter's is Sunflowerseed butter. Yumm.

Nick's Coconut Flour: Not much I can say here. I put it in this container and label it so no one steals it. Here is what it comes in:

Bob's Red Mill makes really good stuff and has you covered in the kitchen when it comes to healthy baking.

Finished Product was much better than this weekend (it's all in the Coconut Oil):

Happy (skinner) guy eating it:

For dinner I had some chicken vegetable soup, a little bit of fruit and Teas Tea. That was it for the night.

Since I thought you might be curious I decided to do a little before and after.

Here is a browse around my kitchen/home to see the change:



Unhealthy in this one

I was heavy in this one


This way of life works better for me. One more day and I'll have 30 days in the direction of a healthy, balanced life that I always wanted.

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