Friday, March 14, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 24

So it's day 24 and to be honest I am running out of things to say about being Paleo. I'll give you the rundown of my meals etc yesterday then we will engage in some playful banter about what I am going to eat on Day 31 (the day before the 30 day Juice Challenge). I am getting excited about my binge.

Started out the morning getting up so goddamn early (again). I ran down to my moms and hung out there for a little bit. Had some coffee (black no sugar) and picked up some bacon (remember I finished all mine). Took a cab back up to my place and made some breakfast. I had 8 pieces of bacon for breakfast again (aggressive) and some scrambled eggs.

For lunch I had some chicken, greens, salad and water. We tried this new place Duke's on 41st street. It's a definite upgrade from Mirage on 43rd--I just wish it wasn't so damn cold outside.

I had water the rest of the day and wasn't feeling tired or stressed at all. I felt full just like I have the last few days. For dinner I had a steak (cooked well done like a proper caveman) and some asparagus. I washed all that down with Iced Tea unsweetened. Went to sleep at 10 and woke up at 6:30 am. Slept through the whole night and it felt great. I fell asleep on the couch though so it wasn't a proper good nights rest but who cares, I didn't wake up at 430 am.

What will Day 31 look like:

As soon as the clock strikes 12:01 am here is what I am thinking. Start off with a nice cold Coca-Cola. Make sure I have really good Ice Cubes (I like it with good Ice). The move onto a really good slice of pizza (I am thinking Joe's here) and then finish that feed off strong with some kind of Chocolate Cake (I am thinking Max Brenner here). The fall asleep into a food coma until the next morning.

Wake up (don't know how I will feel) and start off strong with a Sunkist orange soda (we're talking 20 oz at 8 am) and a really big bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. After that make my way to some greasy dinner for either a Waffle loaded with syrup or Blueberry Pancakes. Again, drinking soda throughout the whole meal.

In between lunch and breakfast definitely have a muffin or two of some kind (probably Banana Chocolate Chip from Crumbs). For lunch it's gonna be on and popping. I would like to have fried chicken with fries, rice and some really good bread. Soda through the whole meal followed up by Banana Pudding from Magnolia Bakery.

Chips, Candy, cookies and of course more soda all in between lunch and dinner. For Dinner I want to go to Pietro's Italian restaurant and have a big bowl of Spaghetti and Meatballs, lots of bread, Clams Oreganata, Coca-Cola in the glass bottle and some kind of cake or dessert. I then want to go home and watch 4 hrs of TV while I drink soda, eat chips and other types of crap. Now how amazing does that day sound???

By Day 32 I am going to need the Juice Cleanse. I cant wait to binge on this (and document it).

See you on 25.

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