Sunday, March 16, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 26

I feel like absolute crap today. I think I went to hard on the meat yesterday (and meals in general) and not enough on the veggies and fruit.

So here is how saturday played out. I woke up and cooked breakfast for Marisa and I. We had bacon and scrambled eggs. I had way to many pieces of bacon (like 8). We also had fresh squeezed OJ (p.s. Peeling oranges sucks).

After that I rode Citibike over to the West Side (I am not a member of Citibike, I joined yesterday).  We went to see Tod and Amanda (they recently got married and were featured in a post).

Tod had some really good food he was eating. I love Popcorners. I remember when they first came out. Probably my top 5 in terms of Chips I love. Here is the breakdown: Cheese-doodles, Cool Ranch Doritos, Popcorners, White Cheddar Popcorn and lastly Corn Chips.

Here is Tod chowing down on my 3rd favorite chip. Look at him go.

Next he broke out some ravioli:

Man they looked good. There was also Meatballs with a great looking cheese (Cheese divides opinion in the Paleo world, so the Meatballs would have been in-bounds).

Here is the happy couple chowing down on some Kettlecorn popcorn. We were at the time having a spirited discussion about health and nutrition so I think I may have converted them into trying Paleo or juicing. We shall see.

After that I headed home and chilled out for a little. Here is where a problem started. I was hungry when I got home so I made myself 8 more pieces of Bacon. Gross (I know). I then went down to my moms and had some Ham she made (and veggies) and then to top that off I went to the Meatball shop with Marisa. I had 5 Meatballs with tomato sauce (see they were in-bounds for me here) and a really good garden salad with some awesome flaxseed.

We then went bowling with a big group and I kicked everyones ass in the game. I killed it:

That's me coming in with a whopping 116. I woke up this morning with a headache and I slept really late. Also the Cat was right on top of me when I awoke:

He's so cute though so I couldn't get mad.

 Talk to you all soon (I cant believe 30 days is almost over).

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