Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 17

Day 17....done. Yesterday was a toughie. As you are seeing in the previous posts (from Greece) my meals are spread out over longer periods of time than usual (for me) and I am not getting the variety or the portions that the comforts of home afford me.

So I was going down for breakfast yesterday when I last left you guys. I made it through that meal despite being hungry (and slightly pissed off about being Paleo). I had some Hard Boiled Eggs (don't know why I put that in Caps) which I haven't had since I was a kid. In addition to that I had some fruit and black coffee. Mildly satisfying.

I left breakfast and went to my first meeting. One of my colleagues suggested we grab some coffee and quickly go through the agenda. We went into a coffee shop near the Bank we were going into see....they had bread and pastries....and boy did they look tasty.

Check that....
I was drooling at the mouth.....

I ended up with black coffee, no milk and no sugar. I also grabbed a water for the meeting.

After the meeting (which went really well) I had a few hours and a colleague who had flown in from London and whose flight wasn't until 7pm so we decided to go to the Acropolis and check things out. It's really amazing. It's hard to imagine how advanced Greek culture and society was so long ago. It was a beautiful day also. Sun shinning and warm weather (suns out, guns out weather) I think I look skinner in the pictures.

Front of the Parthenon
Back of Parthenon

The construction you see in the front is the Greek government is aiming to restore all the old buildings and monuments that were burned, sacked and not taken care of over the years. The building is more than 2000 years old....crazy.

There were probably a lot of Paleo diets going on then so I felt right at home being on that sacred ground.

When we finished up going through the site we went for lunch near by at a Bistro. There are a ton of good restaurants near the site (that's what they told me) and we picked the closest one.

For lunch I had some shrimp (boy did I order wrong on this one, you'll see what I mean in a minute), some vegetable soup (not like what we have at home, its a puree, not a lot of taste to it) and the steak.

The appetizers (which I didn't love):

The shrimp is on the left....ewww. Not good.

For my main I had meat and veggies (minor relief):

I wanted this bread soooo bad:

When we finished up lunch. My colleague headed back to the airport and I headed back to the hotel. I was so beat that I took a nap (that really screwed up my jet lag). I fell asleep for 4hours and woke up hungry, still tired and unsure of what time it was.

I found this restaurant in a Fodor's guide that looked right up my alley, it was called "Butcher Shop." So I decided to go there for a feed and to check it out.

Great call by Fodor's. This place was as close as I was going to get to Smith and Wollensky's out here. The selection was great and the food was amazing. I had some broccoli, lamb chops (yum) and some chicken skewers. I didn't finish everything.

One funny thing I have to mention about dining out in Greece is that literally right after you order you're food they give you the bill. I haven't had a situation yet where I ordered something else after the bill came (I might try that tonight just to see what happens).

And again...amazing bread I had to pass one. Check it:

Till next time...


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