Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 22

Hello from the Paleo world.  I wonder if Cavemen had as much trouble sleeping as I have had in the last few days. It's getting better but still not great. Last night was the closest I came to sleeping straight through (still came up 2 hrs shy of my alarm).

Yesterday was a fairly uneventful day. I woke up so goddam early since I cant sleep straight through the night and had some eggs with bacon. One of my eggs had a double yoke (bonus!!). I have almost polished off the bacon I got from Wisconsin. Looks like I will be going back to Applegate Farms Bacon for the next few days.

When I got into work I had some coffee with Almond milk and powered through until lunch where I had some chicken, veggies and salad. For a snack I had some fruit around 4pm. I worked until 6pm.

I am starting to see that I actually require less food. I am so accustomed to getting big portions of things but since I have been eating healthy I haven't been finishing them. I find myself full. I still need to make an effort to drink more water during the day. However, a day at a time its getting better. The amount of fruit I had yesterday was much less than I've eaten in previous days. I think this has to do with the fact that my stomach has felt full.

For dinner I had chicken and veggies but I didn't even finish the plate. Normally I would be licking my dinner plate like a dog.

Overall I am feeling really good about the way things are turning out. I am losing the fat in my face and have even lost a whole pant size in my trousers.

Tonight is basketball so I should get a really good 2hr sweat going from 9-11.

Note: Since I am having so much with this 30 day challenge and I really do enjoy seeing how far I can push my body in terms of my health I have decided what my next 30 day challenge (and blog) will be:

Nick's 30 Day Juice Challenge.

My plan is to finish the 30 day Paleo Challenge out strong, have 1 day where I allow myself some bread, Coca-Cola (god I miss that), Cake, etc (basically everything but a cigarette) and then head into the 30 Day Juice Challenge. I know this will be difficult and I am doing this to try and learn the benefits of juicing and how difficult it is. My overall plan for a healthy lifestyle is to return to Paleo, but I would like to get a lens into the Juice Craze. Not sure what will happen, but I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun.

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