Saturday, March 8, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 19

I am somewhere in between Day 19 and Day 20 but we'll stick with 20. I am exhausted but hanging on a few more hours till I can get to sleep and sleep through the night. We'll the last time I left you all I had just climbed the tallest mountain in all of Athens (sounds so glorious when I say it like that) and had just eaten some bread :(.

For my last night in Greece I wanted to have a good meal and end the trip on a positive note so I went back to the Butcher Shop restaurant where I had eaten at a few nights before. I had some chicken skewers and the lamp chops with broccoli. Very good. I got home that night and fell right asleep after an episode of SAMCRO.

I woke up this morning at 4am (local Athens time) and headed to the airport for my flight to Paris. While I waited in the airport I made some calls, texted with some people and had some pistachios.
My flight home totally sucked. I usually am able to get Economy Comfort (I'm not high up enough on the corporate food chain for Business Class) but wasn't able to this time. So here was how I sat for the 3hrs to Paris and the 8hrs back to NYC. FML.

I did watch "Enough Said" starring James Gandolfini and Julia Dreyfus. So sad about Gandolfini. Such a great actor. Another thing that sucked was I lost my iPad mini. I left it on my first plane. I only realized as I was boarding my flight to NYC. Dammit. That iPad served me well for over a year. I hope whoever has her now takes good care of her. So long old friend...

I breezed through customs which was amazing. The line for non-US was crazy long (like a 3hr wait at least). I also found out you don't have to fill out a customs card anymore, its all computerized now. Pretty cool. 

When I got home Marisa and I went right to the Smith on 2nd avenue and had some lunch. I went with Steak and Eggs with some Apple Wood Smoked Bacon on the side. So good to be back in the USA.

Later on the in the evening we went to pick up some fresh fruit and make some smoothies. 

A couple of non diet related things I need to share: 

1. I took this awesome photo of this guy booting out of a cab. How awesome?

2. I found out why in Greece they give you the receipt right after you order something--its the law.

Looking forward to getting some good sleep in my own bed tonight.

Till tomorrow friends. 

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