Thursday, March 13, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 23

Day 23 came and went like many others. I am really starting to get the hang of this Paleo thing. This is probably the latest I have ever posted. More than 9.5 hrs since day 23 ended. Don't worry I haven't been hiding in a corner stuffing my face with Devil Dogs and Slurpee's (although I would like to be). Instead I have been eating well and exercising.

Yesterday in the morning I OD'ed on Bacon and had 8 stripes. Aggressive, I know. It's just so damn good. I also had some scrambled eggs (my specialty) and some water. I pushed on through to lunch and had some chicken, beef and greens. Again, didn't finish my plate. Had a few meetings the rest of the day (I did get caught in the rain, BUMMER) and tried to drink as much water as possible. For dinner I have steak and carrots. Weird choice but I was down at my moms and that was all she had for a veggie.

Two hours of hoops last night. I am exhausted, but my jumper is coming back little by little. Need to play more.

Sleep pretty well. We'll see what Day 24 holds.


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