Monday, March 10, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 21

Well, it's Monday and it's weigh-in day. I came in at 233.8. That's 19 pounds. I had  weighed myself on Sunday and I was down 20lbs (232.5) but if we are going by the rules, its 19lbs. Still very happy about that. I'm down almost a pound a day. I know that is not sustainable as we head in the final stretch of the Paleo challenge.

Okay to the day behind my now. I am still not sleeping well. It sucks. I fell asleep last night after I posted and then was awake by 330am, up again at 6am and then just stayed awake. Felt good this morning but by the afternoon was shot.

For breakfast I had scrambled eggs with bacon. For lunch I had some grilled chicken, salad, green beans and sweet potatoes. I was still feeling a bit hungry after this so I had a fruit smoothie (banana strawberry). Again, to much fruit through the course of the day.

I was home at 5pm, went out for a little at 6:15pm and then was asleep by 7:30pm. I know I should be staying awake, but I just cant. I am up now, posting this and then trying to go back to sleep. I missed dinner this evening and trying to keep it like that.

Right now I wanted to order some greasy crap from the diner and watch TV until 3am. I would have 2 16oz Coca-Cola's in the can with ice, a large bacon cheeseburger with fries, a piece of chocolate cake, smoke 8 cigarettes and watch the two episodes of The Walking Dead that I missed when I was away. After that aggressive feed I would eat a bag of cheese doddles as an after dinner snack. Believe or not I lived like this for a long time. I wouldn't think of anything right now of calling up and ordering all that junk. It's sounds real compelling to me.....but I  wont.

Hanging in there...

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