Sunday, March 2, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 14

Feeling a little weird about writing this one since I am currently writing Sunday's post on Monday morning. But it's 14 days in the books and I feel good about that. I'm sitting in an airport terminal in Amsterdam. I have a 5hr layover until my flight to Athens (FML). I've been to this airport before and it reigns supreme in terms of crappy processed food. I mean they've got everything here. Burger King, McDonalds, Pizza Hut and loads of Chocolate. Plus everything is open even though its 7:15am. I need to find some fruit and water. This will be tough.

So Sunday was an extremely long day. I woke up feeling great. Had some eggs  and bacon for breakfast (I've been cooking my eggs over medium and getting really good at it, I think its the new way I am going to be eating them fyi). I then popped down to see my folks before I left. On my way back home I got a call from Delta that they needed to move my flight up by 2hrs. I was supposed to leave at 7:15pm on Sunday night and have a 1 hour lay in Paris. They told me that I now needed to leave at 5:55pm and have a 5hr layover in Amsterdam. Plus I get in Athens two hours later than expected. Anyway back to food. I met up with Marisa after I left my parents house and we got some lunch--braised beef, veggies, fruit and water. Yum.

When I got to the airport it was chaos. The lines were already unbelievably long and everyone  was in such a pleasant mood. I really enjoyed the hour and half it took me to get through security. As soon as I got through I figured I should eat something since I didn't want to be left having to choose between the Dog Food they serve on the plane or going hungry. Luckily there is a Palm restaurant in JFK so I had a Steak and some broccoli. I'm finding steak restaurants to be a real safe haven for me. I know I can always get the food I need there.

The flight over to Amsterdam was long. I had the middle seat (FML again). I did watch two movies--Wolverine and Last Resort. Both were decent.

I also need to report a weight update. I weighted myself on Saturday night/afternoon and I was 235lbs. That brings my total weight loss to 17lbs in 14 days. Something is working....

Till tomorrow.

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