Friday, February 28, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 12

As I sit here thinking about the past 12 days of my diet I started thinking about the number 12 and how important it was. Think about it: 12 apostles, 12 months in a year, 12 people who have walked on the moon (don't ask me to name them), 12 Angry Men and 12 days I have been off the crap and eating healthy.

Today was long as hell. I was up at 4am and caught the early flight back to NYC from Chicago (this was a bad idea, I wont be doing it again). Had a great time and love Chicago. Definite highlight was Second City.

Was real busy at work today as I am preparing to head over to Athens, Greece next week for some meetings. This should be real interesting as we head into week 3 of the Diet.

Today for food was pretty standard. Had some veggies for lunch and a bit of grilled chicken. Drank lots of water. The afternoon crave for sugar and other junk is almost gone. It's amazing. I hadn't really thought about it once today.

Around 7:30pm I had Braised Beef, Carrots and Broccoli from Dig Inn

Then I went out and picked up a ton of fresh produce so I could make me and Marisa a couple of Mean Greens.



Delicious and really healthy for you. I put some Kale, Radish, Apple, Ginger and Celery Stalks in there. I love juicing. About to hit the sack. Till tomorrow.

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