Saturday, February 22, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 6

Okay so quick update before I get in today my diet today, the Paleo Banana Bread that I made last night was THE It was so moist thanks to the coconut oil and tasted great. It didn't have sweet sugary rush you get from good banana bread, it was better. 

Today was pretty uneventful in terms my diet. Reflecting on the day I am pretty upset about it. Here is how the day went, I started off my morning (I got up around 1030am) having the left overs from last night (Pork Chops and String Beans). The string beans would be the only veggie I would have all day  :( That is where my disappointment lies. I need to make sure I am eating much more fruits and vegetables. 

As I mentioned in my previous post I attended my friends Tod and Amanda's wedding today. Here they are getting married. Congrats Tod and Daisy. Beautiful ceremony and we all had a blast!!!!

The ceremony was great, the reception was a bit of a struggle for me as it relates to food but I made up for it by dancing and having a good time. The band rocked! The food stations were unbelievable. The Italian one looked amazing. I would have eaten everything on that table (and wanted to). 
Also, there was no soda from the gun, but they did have those little pepsi bottles which I like just as much, so a bit of a bummer. I wanted a soda tonight like you wouldn't believe.  I ended up having the steak (8 pieces) which were so tasty  and washed that all down with a nice cold Pellegrino. Then dessert came:

I almost gave up because of this little guy:

But instead Marisa ate it for me and I was saved to live another day in Paleo Paradise.

The wedding ended and we had a great time. Since we were in the neighborhood we hit Whole Foods in Columbus Circle (it's open until 11pm--awesome!) and grabbed some usual stuff from the store--Coconut Flour,  Raw Honey, Coconut Milk, Palm extract sugar (yes this is Paleo--I checked). Tomorrow I am going to be baking a Paleo cake. I need a treat after making it through tonight.

Talk to all tomorrow!

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