Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 11

Well my time here in Chicago is almost over and I still haven't given up on caveman. Eating healthy hasn't been easy on the road, I've had to go the extra mile for restaurants that can serve me what I need. Also, Chicago has so many options for pizza, burgers and other junk that it has been difficult to resist, but I'm happy to report that I have.

This morning I had a western omelet with a fruit smoothie. I needed to fill up on fuel since we had a long meeting this morning. The walk to the meeting was painfully cold. With the wind chill it was -13 degrees.

After the meeting I grabbed some lunch--chicken noodle soup and fruit. I had a bunch of calls etc. to do so I worked the rest of the afternoon from the room. I wasn't hungry for a snack in the afternoon like I have been in past days. I drank a lot of water. After I finished worked we went over to the Willis Tower to go up the Sky Deck.

After that we went up with my cousin Jennifer who lives here and is getting married. It was really great to see her.

For dinner we went to eat at this place called Chicago Cut which was a really nice steak house. I totally Paleo pigged out here. For appetizers I had some Nueski's Bacon (really good stuff) followed up by lollipop lamb chops. Then for dinner I had the Rib Eye which was amazing.

Check out the before

and now for the after (ate all the veggies and picked the bone)

I had some ice water and Iced Tea (unsweetened obvi)). One other point of interest, I have been drinking my coffee black (sans Almond milk and sugar) and not hating it. I actually am starting to like it a little (heavy emphasis on "little").

Looking forward to weigh-in on Monday. 6am flight back to NYC tomorrow. Talk to you all tomorrow night!

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