Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 4

Well Day 4 has come to an end. It was long and at certain points it sucked but it was nowhere as bad as Day 2 or Day 3 so that must mean improvement.

So where do I start....last time I left you guys I was about to head out and play some basketball as 1 of my 3 workouts this week. I should tell you the last time I played basketball was over a year ago and I had an awful time getting up and down the court (I was smoking a pack a day then). This time I still felt winded at times and don't have the same explosive first step but I didn't feel like my chest was caving in. Made me feel so good about having 100 days without a cigarette!! I got a real good sweat going too--check me out.

I had a ton of energy when I got home around 1130 but quickly fell asleep. I slept very well last night.

I awoke to Day 4 with a lot more energy then I have had in the previous 3 days and felt the sugar/processed food crave subsiding (only slightly). One of the most challenges things about this diet has been the mornings. I'm not use to preparing myself a meal before I leave for work (I usually grab a few bagels or muffins) so having to plan has been tough, but I'm getting a lot of good suggestions and help from all of you.

My morning was pretty typical, started the day with some coffee and almond milk (still hate the taste and miss the sugar) followed up with 3 eggs sunny side up and 2 pieces of bacon. When I got into the office I had a few meetings and calls etc. By the time lunch came I was starved and went out for lunch with a fellow Caveman (Ben Simmers) who has been providing support at the office...Ben kept me away from these...

 Instead I opted for veggies, salad and chicken followed up by a nice cold glass of water (times like this I am really missing Pepsi).

This afternoon was the first where I didn't get hit with a headache around 2pm. My energy levels were still starting to feel low but my head wasn't pounding like it had previously. I punched out at 5pm and headed home. When I got home I fell asleep on the couch for an hour then went and dropped off my laundry. After that I headed over to meet my girlfriend at her office for dinner and to workout.

For dinner we had pork, sweet potato fries and broccoli. It was one of the first meals where after one normal serving I felt full and didn't need to eat anymore. I did continue to nibble on some broccoli. While eating we watched this movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" which Marisa's roommate wanted us all to watch and which my best friend Ryan's bride to be Maureen had recommended as well. It was a great film and inspired me to do a one week juice cleanse. The story of the guy Phil in it is amazing. I was moved. After the movie it was off to the gym for a late workout (workout 2 of 3 this week).

I did the elliptical, the bike and 60 sit-ups. Was feeling great, but of course did end up on the floor at one point from exhaustion. 

So it's now past midnight and I am about to go to sleep. It's amazing how much more energy I have when I am not putting all the crap in my system.

One side note: my weight on Monday when I started was 252.8lbs. I will be weighing myself every monday.

 I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Till then friends. 

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