Friday, February 21, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 5

I feel like I have thoroughly kicked Day 5 in the ass. I struggled a lot today with temptation (Friday's are going to be rough) but have made it through proper Caveman Style. At one point in the last two days I did check my Paleo App to see whether KFC was wasn't and thought this was funny:

 Today I decided to start off a little different then the last 4 days. I was so inspired by "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" that I decided to go for juice this morning--Strawberries and Bananas. It was quite good and somewhat filling, I have to admit I was missing my cage free eggs by 1030am.

I was still pretty sore from the last two days of working out, but wasn't exhausted. My body still had energy and I wasn't falling asleep. I made it through the morning and into the afternoon. For lunch today, we decided to venture down Madison Ave to Dig-Inn. Dig-Inn is Mecca of lunch spots for Paleo's. You can basically eat as much as you want of everything there. Today I went with Braised Beef, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots and Broccoli on top of some Kale.

Normally, I would spit this food up since everything except the beef is in my wheel-house but I am actually starting to like it. I washed that all down with a nice glass of cold ice water...Look at me go:

I made it through the rest of the afternoon craving free and was able to get a lot of work done. As I mentioned before I am heading to Chicago next week. Need to stay on track with my meals and exercise. I have a plan though and all of you so I should be good.

When I got home all I could think about was having a burger with fries and a nice cold Coca-Cola. I was also craving Chinese food from Shun-Lee here in the City. I ate there last friday and it was soooo good.  I did pass by a Dominos as well which looked very enticing (love the breadsticks and thin crust there)....

Instead tonight Marisa and I went to the Palm on 2nd avenue and had some Pork Chops, Green Beans and Iced-Tea unsweetened. Very Tasty and total Caveman.

After dinner I was still craving something sweet and since all of the normal crap I used to eat is no longer available to me I had to search the web for something (I did this all from the dinner table). I landed on Paleo Banana Bread. After dinner I went to the supermarket to get some ingredients (most of this stuff I never even knew existed):

- Almond Butter
- Coconut Oil
- Almond Flour

As we were walking home and I was thinking about the $56 dollars I just spent in Morton Williams, it was clear that making the healthy choice when buying ingredients is not cheap and a lot of times (in my case) you need to seek out what that expensive healthy choice is. Doesn't seem right.

Cooking has become a real passion for me over the last few months so I am really looking forward to getting more and more into the Paleo recipes that are all over the internet. It seems like they have one for almost everything. Here I am greasing the pan with coconut oil as I am about to pour in the Paleo Banana Bread mix we just whipped up. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Tomorrow will be tough. I am heading to the wedding of my dear friends Tod M and Amanda and there will be an open bar serving Coca-Cola (probably from the gun) all night. Also, the food sounds amazing (so many stations) and the dessert is from Amy's Bread.

Wish me luck!! Till tomorrow friends.

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