Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 2

So Day 2 has been a real bitch! I started off the day doing really well. I had some cage frees eggs and really good bacon. Just the meal I needed to get my day going. I slept well also last night so had the best possible outlook for today.

When I got into work I went to go get a cup of coffee and instead of using whole milk and sugar I just added some Almond Milk (yay fun!) and was on my way back to my desk. Still feeling good.

Couple of highlights from today, I got a new computer at work which is much lighter I finally got my iPhone lock button fixed at this store called The Device Shop (1501 Broadway). I highly recommend for anyone who has a broken iPhone. Subsequently this store was also near Junior's and their cheesecake...I stayed strong and had this for lunch:

No coke or pepsi for me and by 2pm I was in need of a bit of a snack so I took a walk over to a Grand Central to the produce section (Paleo Paradise).

By the time we got back to the office from the Grand Central my headache was full-on. I can only attribute to sugar withdrawal. I typically drank 6-7 sugary drinks and supplemented that with a ton of carb's and candy so I know this was a natural reaction (the headache). As I said I have kicked many things before (I have 98 days off cigarettes today) so I know a withdrawal when it hits me and this one isn't any different. It sucks, but you get through it.

The fruit helped but the headache was still there. By the time I got home from work I was in need of a meal. But first a quick stop at the Amish Market for some chicken, veggies, fruit and chicken noodle soup. 

When I got home I put the string beans in extra virgin olive oil and cut up the chicken. For beverage I sliced up some lemons and lime and mixed that with seltzer.

 Meal was tasty and I feel full but I am still craving some sugar right now. Maybe some ice cream, candy bar or a soda. I don't know how much longer I can hold out......ugh I hate this!!! 

Until tomorrow friends. 


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