Monday, February 17, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge--The Rules

Hello! My name is Nick and as you can see I am overweight and out of shape. I have grappled with the idea of really trying to losing weight for about a year. I haven't really given it a true shot though in the sense of sticking with a plan and doing what I set out to do. This is why I am embarking on a 30 day Paleo challenge to see the benefits of this diet and whether or not it works for me.

The Rules:

What I cant eat (I love all the things on this list)

1) No sugar-- goodbye sugary drinks and candy.
2) No processed food.
3) No Bread
4) No starches

What I can eat (this is what I will be starting out eating)

1) Chicken/Steak
2) Vegetables
3) Fruit
4) Eggs and bacon

Also, as an added bonus I will work out 3x week for 1 hour each time

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