Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 3

Eating healthy sucks....I really really hate it!!!! Today started off pretty miserable. I woke up with a headache and was falling asleep in a cab this morning (don't I look so tired).

After my coffee with Almond milk (which still tastes like tar to me) I needed some eggs and bacon to wake up so I jumped over to the diner across the street from work for a quick feed. In and out in less than 15mins and feeling much better. I had some meetings all through the rest of the morning and my group had a team meeting from 12-1:15pm so we ordered lunch from Dishes which is really tasty. I had chicken and Broccoli and sadly the portions were so small for me. So after that meeting I went to lunch with a fellow Caveman.
I am not to happy in this pic because someone left donuts in the kitchen and they looked really really good. I was left eating meat and greens while these just sat there waiting for someone to gobble them up (that should have been me)

 As I said yesterday the afternoon is absolutely terrible when doing Paleo. I honestly don't know how the Cavemen did it (joke). Around 2:30pm again I caught a terrible headache and forgot to bring the fruit that I was reminded to bring in the morning (sorry Marisa, you were right!). However, I carried on and finished out the day strong with some water and my mind focused on the feed that would occur this evening. 
For dinner I was thinking chicken, chicken noodle soup, egg and really good uncured bacon. 
After dinner a quick trip down to my Mom's. She is going to be meeting me out in Chicago next week and I needed to book her flight for her and catch up with her. She got me a sweet food processor. That should help with all the cooking I am doing now. Subsequently there is a good grocery store by my moms place so I picked up some almonds, pistachios and bacon from there.
Back at my place I thought it time to BLEND!!! I received some great recipes which I will be shopping for and using this weekend (thanks Maureen!) 

And tonight is one of the nights I work out which is why I am posting so early. I will be playing basketball from 9pm-11pm downtown...wish me luck, its been a while. I use to look like this when I was playing basketball all the time

I don't feel as bad as I did last night. I do feel a little better. I still want candy, sugar, soda, bread, rice and cake all at the same time, but its not like it was last night.....Progress not perfection.

Till tomorrow friends!

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