Monday, February 17, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 1

I have kicked many things before so I know that right now I am just going through your typical first day mental stuff. This is where you start asking yourself:

- Why am I doing this?
- I can just have one Coca-Cola?
- That bread looks so good. I want it.

All in all not that bad though. It's 11:32pm and I just about ready to go to bed and I have made it through Day 1 of my Paleo challenge. Here are some highlights:

1) I woke up this morning and had cage free eggs with some really good bacon--no bread and no roll.

2) I then met my mother and went to Lord and Taylor. She was buying some gloves. We stopped and had coffee, I had mine black with some skim. No sugar....that one hurt.

3) For lunch I went to this really great place called Foragers in Chelsea. There I had some really good chicken with broccoli. Probably the best meal I had all day. Great call Mo.

4) I had some more chicken later in the day--this will be reoccurring theme with my eating chicken.

5) For dinner I  had two organic beef patties from BRGR. No bun and no fries.The guys I was with had fries, milkshakes and the bun. I was so jealous of them.

6) On the way home I stopped at Bloomingdales and got a really sweet blender. Once I got home I blended up some banana, strawberries, apple, organic pineapple juice and grape with seltzer water. Not bad for a first blend, but as my friend Brian said, "Needs work." I will be blending a lot so I should get better.

Day 1 in the books!!! Talk to you all tomorrow. 

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