Sunday, February 23, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 7

Well day 7 has come to an end, it was easier than day 6, but still a struggle at time. I'm exhausted and fell asleep a few times tonight. I only woke back up just to post. I really want a soda or a cigarette now, but I'll finish this and go to bed.

I started out the morning by making Blueberry Pumpkin Paleo muffins:

They tasted great and will certainly help with the mornings which I have struggled with. The next thing we moved on to making was Paleo Chicken nuggets

These were not easy to make but they also tasted great. As we were making them I wondered if McDonald's does it the same way (I don't think so). We got some ground chicken and coconut flour which are new to paleo cooking for me. 

I made some broccoli and had a nice lunch as a result:

 For dinner we had stuffed red peppers which came out really good but didn't really agree with me all that much. I think my body is still getting used to eating healthy. 

I'll write more on this tomorrow. It's been a long day. 

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