Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 9

Day 9 in the books and we are taking the Paleo Challenge on the road. Currently posting from:

Started the day off in proper fashion, hit the alarm a few times despite sleeping really well (some habits are hard to break) but got into work around 8:30am. I skipped breakfast/fruit shake this morning simply because I just wasn't hungry (I think that is a good sign). Had some coffee with soy almond milk (yum) and started my morning. Had a few calls and things to go through before heading out here, but did have time for a quick lunch with a fellow Caveman, Ben Simmers. Typical greens, salad and grilled chicken for lunch today. I like this stuff (meat and veggies) much better than Paleo baking, but it is still fun to try new things.

We got to the airport a little early and they were able to put us on the earlier flight. I know that's not diet related, but its awesome when stuff like that happens. Before I did get on this early flight I grabbed some snacks for the flight--mixed berries, some cantaloupe, banana and a bottled water.  I stayed away from the peanuts (legumes--bad) and complimentary Coca-Cola products they were serving on the flight.

Another awesome thing, not diet related, happened in the cab on the way to the hotel. I saw this sign:

You may have to zoom in on your phone, but it says that Vomit Clean-up Fee will cost you an additional $50.00 USD. I thought that was hilarious. Do you think the driver is like "ok, so it's $18.50 for the fare, $5 for the toll and $50 for the vomit. Cash or Credit?"

As soon as we checked in (I hate the hotel) we went out to Morton's. Here's mom chowing down on some bread and butter (none for me):

For dinner I had a mixed green salad, Lamb Chops (delicious) and some grilled Asparagus. I washed all that down with a nice cold glass of water.

Some now I am back at the hotel. It's about 9 degrees outside (so happy I'm not smoking anymore). Busy day tomorrow but speak to you all in the evening night. I'm beat.

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