Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 10

First things first, Chicago is freezing in the winter. When I walked outside this morning I felt like I was being stabbed with a thousand knives. They should call it the Chilly City because it is flipping cold here.

Back to the diet, I cant believe I have made it to double digits doing Paleo. I am feeling more and more like a caveman everyday. More importantly I am feeling better. I am actually looking forward to getting on the scale next Monday.

Despite not liking the hotel all that much I do have to say the bed was super comfortable and I slept really well. For breakfast we went downstairs to the restaurant in the hotel and grabbed something quick. I had a western omelet which came stacked with potatoes (they looked soooo processed but so good). I moved them to my bread plate which I wasn't using (obvi). I also had a fruit smoothie--strawberry and banana. After breakfast I was back to the room to prepare for my meeting in the afternoon and Mom went out to the see City (she actually took one of those bus tours)

and she had Vince Vaughn as a tour guide (like from the Break Up)--kidding.

But she did have a blast and loves Chicago. Our meeting this afternoon went really well despite the cold walk to the meeting and the walk back--everything in between went as planned.

I skipped lunch so I went and had a bowl of Chicken Noodle soup and some fresh fruit around 3pm. Wished the portions were slightly bigger but what are you gonna do. My other alternative was McDonald's which is literally next store to our hotel. It looks so tempting and I would love a Coca-Cola, 20 piece nugget and some fries but I can't. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!

After I finished working I head down to the gym for a quick sweat. I used the treadmill, bike and did some free weights. It's getting easier to workout, but I still don't love it like some people.

For dinner we went to the Drake Hotel and ate at the Cape Cod-- a really good seafood restaurant. For an appetizer I had some grilled shrimp and the house salad followed up by the chicken (I know lame choice at a seafood restaurant). This place had amazing bread also. I really wanted a piece but resisted.

After dinner we headed over to Second City to a see a show (the 102nd Revue). It was hilarious. All the actors were so funny. I think we'll be seeing them on SNL in no time. We left the theater around 9:30 to head home. I prepped for my meeting tomorrow morning and now I'm rounding out my 10th day with a post to you all.

Something non-diet related but hilarious I saw today:

Till tomorrow friends!

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