Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 2

Pretty standard Day 2 stuff for me. Slept well but woke up with a headache and absolutely craving a soda. I went for the Water and a piece of Fruit.

I skipped Breakfast which wasn't the smartest move since I was famished by noon. I had lunch with one of my buddies from work at 12. For lunch I did salad, beef and sweet potatoes. We had a meeting in Midtown from 1-3. I picked up a coffee from Starbucks before we walked in. I asked for Almond Milk and the guy at Starbucks said "I feel like its coming, so many people are asking for it. But as of now, NO, we do not have Almond Milk."

After that I was still struggling so I had another fruit salad. I am definitely eating way too much fruit but early on like this it is the only thing that really helps.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I worked.

On my walk home from the job I picked up a chicken from Amish Market. Ate half of that as well as some more fruit (Berries, Pineapple and Banana).

Headache hit me again in the afternoon. Around 9:30 pm I was hungry again and decided to have some eggs and bacon. The craziest thing happened to me. I got double yolks in 3 eggs. Check it:

One of the yolks broke, but it was a double. Take my word for it. How crazy is that?

I also cooked some bacon (but did so in moderation):

So at the end of Day 2 I was exhausted, had fits of a headache all day, but feel good mentally. Watched the first half of Kick Ass 1 and so far have been laughing my ass off.

Talk to you all tomorrow.

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