Friday, May 30, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 4

Day 4...brutal. Woke up with one of the worst headaches I have ever had. Felt like I got cracked in the head repeatedly with a hammer. I took a personal day from work to chill out and sleep over my sugar detox hangover.

I needed some food though and a ton of water. I went to this place called Hu Kitchen which is Paleo paradise. They have Paleo Bread and Paleo Muffins. Not the greatest tasting but better than nothing.

Paleo Muffin:

Paleo Breakfast:

I still felt like crap after this feed so I headed back home and hit the couch. Woke up around noon and had some lunch from Amish Market.

Beef....its what is for Lunch.

Around 6 pm I stopped by Le Pain Quotiden (sp) also known as "The Communal table." My buddy wanted a french press coffee and when he asked the lady behind the counter she looked baffled and gave him a drip coffee that had probably been sitting there for 4 hrs.

This place is not the best for a Caveman to be hanging out:

Lots of good junk food:

The remainder of the evening I watched this show Vikings.....awesome. New favorite show on TV.

I also grabbed dinner from the Palm.

A Chop
Some greens

I went to sleep feeling much better and have been getting really restful sleep. Feel like I am coming through the detox and should start feeling more like myself. I forget that when I treat my body like a garbage dumpster this is how I feel. However, I am taking some steps to change that.

Happy Friday.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 3

Yesterday was pretty much the same as the day before. I skipped breakfast and had some coffee/water in the morning. Had a bunch of stuff going on at work. For lunch had some greens with beef.

I left work about 5pm and had this really great drink on the way home super refreshing.

Had a few other pieces of Chicken as well for a snack.

For dinner I went to the Palm with a co-worker. I had the bacon wrapped scallops, salad and Lamb.

I stayed away from the bread basket despite it looking so good.

We had a meeting at 10pm with a firm on the other side of the world so we headed back to the office to prepare and have the meeting.

Finished up around 11:30pm and headed home.

Still have/had terrible headache. Constantly hungry. Want to give up. But Wont.

Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 2

Pretty standard Day 2 stuff for me. Slept well but woke up with a headache and absolutely craving a soda. I went for the Water and a piece of Fruit.

I skipped Breakfast which wasn't the smartest move since I was famished by noon. I had lunch with one of my buddies from work at 12. For lunch I did salad, beef and sweet potatoes. We had a meeting in Midtown from 1-3. I picked up a coffee from Starbucks before we walked in. I asked for Almond Milk and the guy at Starbucks said "I feel like its coming, so many people are asking for it. But as of now, NO, we do not have Almond Milk."

After that I was still struggling so I had another fruit salad. I am definitely eating way too much fruit but early on like this it is the only thing that really helps.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I worked.

On my walk home from the job I picked up a chicken from Amish Market. Ate half of that as well as some more fruit (Berries, Pineapple and Banana).

Headache hit me again in the afternoon. Around 9:30 pm I was hungry again and decided to have some eggs and bacon. The craziest thing happened to me. I got double yolks in 3 eggs. Check it:

One of the yolks broke, but it was a double. Take my word for it. How crazy is that?

I also cooked some bacon (but did so in moderation):

So at the end of Day 2 I was exhausted, had fits of a headache all day, but feel good mentally. Watched the first half of Kick Ass 1 and so far have been laughing my ass off.

Talk to you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 1

I'm back. Completed one full day of Paleo yesterday. It wasn't the hardest day 1 of something I have ever had, but it certainly wasn't the easiest.

Over the time period between my last post and now I have had many many Mexican Coca-Cola's, a lot of Chinese food and tons of other crap. Quick update on all that has happened:

I went skiing:

I picked up a new sport and have been playing it a ot. Typically around 3x times a week:

Dippin' Dots came to NYC:

I discovered a Tennis court right in Grand Central. Here I am after a late-night match

I got TSA Pre-Check so I don't need to wait on lines anymore at the airport. Yes!

Had a root canal....sucked

Weird Dentist Chair Selfie:

I discovered the cream puff

Had Gus's Fried Chicken in Memphis, TN. Definitely not Paleo, but real good.

I bought a big ass Flat Screen Television.

Cat is doing the same.

So as I said yesterday wasn't to bad. I started out with a Salad (Chicken, Carrots and Olive Oil). Washed that all down with a strawberry/banana smoothie:

Next up was a bike ride across the Manhattan Bridge. Terrible going up the bridge but nice ride down:

After that took the train back home and stopped at my Mom's to fix her TV for the 18th time this week (kidding Mom). All her animals are doing well. Doesn't one of her Cats look like a Lion with its haircut:

Her hair gets matted so they have to cut it.

After that I went shopping and said goodbye to all the junk I have in my home:

Lots of good stuff from the Amish Market:

Said goodbye to my best friend (The Mexican Coke):

I cooked dinner last night. Couple of steaks, Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli:

I'm feeling a little sluggish but pushing through. I tipped the scales at 237.8 so I'll keep you all updated on how I am doing.

Till tomorrow.