Monday, June 2, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 5

Day 5 started off as a good day. I woke up and had no headache plus I slept really well. I had some coffee in the morning when I got to work. At lunch time I had a Chicken salad with no dressing. All the while thinking "wow, I am through the tough part." Wrong.....when you treat your body like a garbage dumpster there are consequences. Have a look at some of mine from Friday night at Blue Smoke.

Cornbread for a starter....Boom

Lets bring in the BBQ chips:

Rib Sampler: crushed those
Only healthy thing on the table

Spicy Sausage

Ohh yeah I also had two regular cokes as if the food wasn't bad enough. So I was now in full sugar crave and we then went looking for Ice Cream:

After all this I thought it was a good idea to play some tennis. We booked 2 hrs but only got an hour in. I felt so ill. The court was empty that second hour.

And to make matters worse on my way home I picked up rice cakes with peanut butter and had 2 mexican cokes. AHHHHHHHHH.

I woke up the next day feeling like total crap.

I'll post saturday and sunday (where I did alot better and am back on the horse in a few hours). I think when I eat bad I avoid the blog (as I did with the juice cleanse) and I don't want to do that again. This is a place where I can be honest which is what I will be.

Happy Monday.

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