Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Nick's 30 Day Paleo Challenge- Day 8

I finally started feeling good yesterday. My energy was back and I didn't feel sluggish all day. That's the real beauty of the Paleo Diet.

I met a colleague over from London for breakfast at a place by work. I had 2 eggs sunny side up and some bacon. They have great coffee there too (French Press).

For lunch I had some greens and beef. I am getting a little sick of eating veggies so need to try and mix it up.

Some additional good news I had a new TV stand delivered to my house yesterday. Have to thank my mom for waiting at my place when they delivered it. Looks pretty good.

I was going to dinner at Hu Kitchen (again) but managed to get a little NBA 2K in before I left:

At Hu Kitchen I had the chicken and broccoli. For dessert (key reason to go there) I had a carrot cake whoppie pie. Unbelievable. Soooo good. Really. Really. Amazing. 


And here is the cake:

Sooo good

So as I said I am feeling really good right now. I weighed myself yesterday and was down to 234. Not as much as I would like but I do like the fact that I have a ton of energy and don't have any sluggishness at all. 

I wanted a soda a few times yesterday and almost cracked but ended up going to a piece of fruit. I need to stay on the water. Keep drinking it. 

Hope everyone has a good day. 

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